Prior to pinning the
specimens, they must be relaxed. Fresh specimens are usually relaxed
already if you spread them right away. If you store them for spreading
later, or if you have purchased
dried specimens, they will need to be relaxed. One method is using
relaxing fluid. Relaxing fluid is used for relaxing appendages so the do
not break while pinning the specimen. Relaxing fluid IS NOT used for
relaxing butterflies or moths for spreading and mounting. For spreading
butterflies and moths see
How to Build an Insect Relaxing Chamber
and Relaxing-your-Butterfly-or-Moth.
Your relaxing fluid will come in a 2oz amber
bottle with an eye dropper lid.
Place the insect specimen on its back.
Liberally apply the appendage relaxing fluid to
the appendages and anntennae.
Wait 5 to 10 minutes.
Ensure the appendages have relaxed by carefully
moving the appendages back and forth.
Position and or pin your specimen
How to Appendage Relaxing Fluid